Thursday, June 7, 2012

Hand Mantras or Mudras position for Chakras & Sound

Thumb - Fire
Index Finger - Air
Middle Finger - Space
Ringer Finger - Earth
Little or (Pinky) Finger - Water

Root Chakra (Base of Spine/Sex Organs)
Let the tips of your thumb and index finger touch and concentrate on the Root Chakra which is at the base of the spine and chant the sound LAM.  This note sound is equivalent to middle "C" on the piano or "Do" in solfege.

Sacral Chakra (Navel Area)

Put your hands in your lap with your palms upwards, on top of each other with your left hand underneath, its palm touching the back of the fingers of the right hand. The tips of the thumbs touching gently.
Concentrate on the Sacral Chakra, 3 fingers width below the navel and chant the sound VAM. This note sound is equivalent to "D" on the piano or "Re" in solfege.

Solar Plexus (Lungs Area)
Put your hands between your heart and your stomach, the Solar Plexus area and let the fingers join at the tops, all pointing away from you. Cross your thumbs. It is important to straighten the fingers. Concentrate on the Solar Plexus area and chant the sound RAM. 
This note sound is equivalent to "E" on the piano or "Me" in solfege.

Heart Chakra (Heart Area)
Place the fingers of each hand in the same position, with the tips of your index finger and thumb touching. Now place your left hand on your left knee and your right hand in front of the lower part of  your breast bone (a little bit above the Solar Plexus). Concentrate on the Heart Chakra and chant the sound YAM. This note sound is equivalent to "F" on the piano or "Fa" in solfege.

Throat Charka (Throat/Adam's Apple Area)
Cross your fingers on the inside of your hands, without the thumbs. Let the thumbs touch at the tops and pull them slightly upwards. Concentrate on the Throat Chakra at the base of the throat and chant the sound HAM. This note sound is equivalent to "G" on the piano or "Sol" in solfege.

Pineal Gland AKA Third Eye Chakra (Between your eye brows)
Put your hands in front of the lower part of your breast. Place the middle fingers straight and let them touch at the tops, pointing forward. The other fingers are bent and touch at the upper two phalanges. The thumbs point towards you and touch at the tops. Concentrate on the Third Eye Chakra slightly above the point between your eyebrows and chant the sound OM. It is pronounced "Aum". This note sound is equivalent to "A" on the piano or "La" in solfege.

Crown Chakra (Crown of Head)
Put your hands in front of your stomach and let the ring fingers point upwards, touching at their tips. Cross the rest of your fingers, with the left thumb underneath the right. Concentrate on the Crown Chakra at the top of your head and chant the sound NG. This note sound is equivalent to "B" on the piano or "Ti" in solfege.

WARNING:  DO NOT USE THE CROWN MANTRA CHAKRA IF YOUR ROOT IS NOT STRONG.  When opening the Chakras they should always be opened from Root to Crown but if you are just going to open one or two, always make sure you do the Root first.

Zodiac Signs

ARIES: With Taurus on the second house, fiery and impulsive Aries gets very basic or practical when it comes to money or possessions. They know a good deal when they see one and won't hesitate to acquire it. They gain through banking and investing and owning property. They can be quite physical or sensual when it comes to their basic needs. With Gemini on the third house Aries types think quickly and diversely and are not afraid to speak out. Reading, writing and teaching are natural conmmunicative outlets for them, and taking the car, bus, bike, or simply walking, are natural ways for them to get around. Cancer on the fourth house describes a typical home and family life with food and security issues always at the fore. Leo on the fifth house loves sports, romancing, and pure entertainment, and this is where they shine. Virgo on the sixth house makes Aries work very hard and meticulously such as in precision metal cutting, engineering, or optometry. Libra on the seventh seeks out beautiful and harmonious partners. Scorpio on the eighth is emotionally intense and investigates deeply into occult or hidden matters. Sagittarius on the ninth is eternal optimism and faith in things going right and lots of distant travel, adventure, and exploration. Capricorn on the tenth is slow but certain rise to success or prominence through realism and hard work. Aquarius on the eleventh is brilliance, ingenuity, and inventiveness and the realization of hopes and dreams through friends, groups, and organizatons. Pisces on the twelfth is loss or self-undoing through pity, guilt, sacrifice, or being alone or inactive.

TAURUS: Calm, shrewd, and steady Taurus has Gemini on the second house, so that money comes through ideas and words and forms of all kinds. Books, speeches, and all forms of communication are profitable venues. Cancer on the third gives Taurus a very sensitive and impressionable mind who only likes to communicate with familiar people and organizatons. The thoughts are frequently on food, housing, and security issues. Leo on the fourth makes the home or family the center of entertainment and where love and generosity are naturally expressed. Virgo on the fifth describes a love for work, discpline, order, cleanliness, and people who personify these traits. Taureans are skilled lovers and entertainers. Libra on the sixth house seeks pleasant types of work and co-workers and is often employed as a beautician, artist, entertainer, counselor, or companion. Scorpio on the seventh seeks extreme, exceptional, or emotionally intense partners. They are jealous and possessive and it's all or nothing in a relationship with Taurus. Sagittarius on the eighth is fortunate in dealing with other people's money or resources and takes a spiritual or explorative view of death and the afterlife. Capricorn on the ninth has a practical and economical philosophy based on discipline and hard work. Aquarius on the tenth gives Taurus a unique or unusual career such as singer, electrician, scientist, or even astrologer. Pisces on the eleventh gives an intuiive or psychic genius and friends or associations that are artistic or Neptunian in nature. Aries on the twelfth is where Taurus releases all negative feelings and secrets -in private or seclusion. They have a very active dreamstate or subconcious.

GEMINI: Versatile, restless, and cerebral Gemini has Cancer on the second house gaining or profiting from home and family or fields like real estate, hotels, restaurants, the food industry, preservation, or safety and security. Leo on the third makes Gemini a prominent, authorotative, or influential speaker or communicator. They have very creative, expressive, and dramatic mentalities. Virgo on the fourth gives a drab, tedious, or critical home life but it can be an ideal place from which to work from. Everything must be clean and orderly here. Libra on the fifth needs beauty and harmony to get creative or amorous. They like to entertain as a team and take pleasure in decorating or beautifying. Scorpio on the sixth makes them secretive or intense about their work or services. They research and investigate and there is always an element of danger or death involved here. Sagittarius on the seventh seeks a positive, lively, and adventurous partner who will take them away to many travel destinations. Capricorn on the eighth takes a serious look at sex the occult and karma or indebtedness and there is a need to control their partner's money or resources. Aquarius on the ninth rebels against traditional faith or religion and comes up with its own philosophy. They like to travel freely and unexpectedly and often by air or plane. Pisces on the tenth is confused or nebulous concerning career or direction but it is often in the arts, film, or entertainment. Aries on the eleventh is active with friends, groups, and causes and discovers new things about self. Taurus on the twelfth has secrets or sorrows concerning money and material possessions.

CANCER: Moody, crabby, and maternal Cancer has Leo on the second house so that any form of creativity or entertainment will spell big money opportunity, and they will be the boss as far their finances are concerned. Other things valued or cherished are love, children, and paternal figures. Virgo on the third house makes the Cancerian mind highly analytical and observant, noticing all the fine details, and there is an habitual or routine way of thinking or communicating -often about work, health, or material needs. With Libra on the fourth house the Cancerian homestead is a place of beauty and harmony and co-operation. The home is the place for socializing, and marrying, and decorating, and the food is all nicely laid out, and any kind of fighting or unpleasantness is shunned. Scorpio on the fifth gives Cancer a liking for dangerous, risky, or intense forms of pleasure and entertainment. They are very jealous or possessive about their loved ones and harbour love secrets. Sagittarius on the sixth makes Cancer take many adventurous or risky jobs often far away from the home, and the health while often robust, can suffer from overindulgence or carelessness. Capricorn on the seventh is in search of a serious and reliable partner who can help organize or restrain the Cancerian proclivities and offer a realistic or objective viewpoint on all matters. Aquarius on the eighth has a cool, detached, or experimental attitude towards matters of death, sex, and the paranormal. Often they receive a surprise inheritance. Pisces on the ninth house makes Cancer very open or impressionable to spiritual guidance. They are charitable and forgiving. They also like traveling by boat or ship and are awed my marine life. Aries on the tenth house makes Cancer active and aggressive in the career and develops a warlike or militant public reputation. Taurus on the eleventh has wealthy and talented friends and contributes money to humanitarian causes. Gemini on the twelfth does a lot of thinking, learning, or communicating in secret and has a restless and versatile subconcious.

LEO: Proud, generous, and flamboyant Leo has Virgo on the second house so that money is obtained through hard work and developing a specilized skill. Precision, stamina, and good conduct are highly valued. Libra on the third makes Leo very susceptible to other people's words, thoughts, and opinions, and the mind is fair, just, and balanced. Scorpio on the fourth house describes a very emotionally intense home life and a deep-seated need for permanent roots. Many transformations are experienced here. Sagittarius on the fifth takes has a wild and adventurous attitude towards love and play and loves to gamble or speculate. There is pleasure in traveling and an open, trusting attitude in love. Capricorn on the sixth takes work very seriously as it is often hard to find. They are organized and industrious and strive for an excellent reputation. Colds and arthritis are frequent health problems. Aquarius on the seventh looks for an ingenious or unconventional partner who can stand up to dominance or dictate. They will also be friendly, unique, and unusually popular. Pisces on the eighth has a fated or martyr-like attitude towards death and the paranormal. They have a romantic sexuality and take an interest in investing in oil, beverage, pharmaceuticals, and the film industry. Aries on the ninth has a positive and inspiring philosophy and travels quickly or on impulse. Self-publicity is a big draw. Taurus on the tenth has a solid and enduring reputation or career as a money manager, land owner, stock producer, singer, artist, or entertainer. Gemini on the eleventh has versatile and amusing friends and many contacts with the media. Cancer on the twelfth hides fears and insecurities and harbours home or family secrets.

VIRGO: Orderly and efficient Virgo has Libra as its second house so that anything that beautifies or harmonizes is of great value to them. Virgo works painstakingly hard to achieve the perfection that is symbolized by Libra, whether it's appearance, workability, or personal conduct. Gains are made through partnership and co-operation. Scorpio on the third house describes the Virgoan mentality or perception which is razor sharp, intense, and often stinging. They are uncomfotably blunt and accurate and put all their focus on the task at hand. They also like to communicate about dark or secretive matters. Sagittarius on the fourth describes a religious or moralistic home life which is at the root of Virgo's good works or services. Family outings and travels are fondly remembered and cherished. With Capricorn on the fifth house, Virgo's tend to restrict or minimize fun and pleasure, and there is a coldness or inhibition in expressing their love and affection. They are, however, quality entertainers, and are known to be exceedingly sensual. Aquarius on the sixth house makes Virgo an ingenious and unconventional worker with technical or scientific aptitudes. They are honest, friendly, and independant workers who wish to help humanity in a practical and efficient way. Pisces on the seventh is looking for a sensitive, perceptive, and understanding partner who can see behind the cool and reserved Virgo facade, make them relax and unwind, and bring out their hidden emotions and sympathies. Socially, they are humble and receptive but lacking in confidence or drive, and may counter this through stimulants or escapist tendencies. Aries on the eighth house gives a fearless and active disposition in matters of sex, death, paranormal research, and all hidden matters. Taurus on the ninth gives a practical or materialistic philosophy of life, a green thumb, and a preference for ground-based travel. Gemini on the tenth house inclines towards mental or communicative type of occupations or careers such as journalism, writing, speaking, internet, and media work in general. The mail, phone, and transport industry are also common fields. Their versatility often makes them "jacks of all trades and masters of none". Cancer on the eleventh house makes them caring friends and associates with a genius for cooking or homemaking, safety and security, and collecting or preserving. Leo on the twelfth house is how Virgo unwinds in private -by turning up the music, watching a good movie, making love, or working on a favourite hobby.

LIBRA: Attractive and harmonious Libra loses all balance with extreme Scorpio on the second house. They either acquire all of their partner's assets or end up losing even their own -depending on how the relationship goes. Sex and secrecy are keys to maintaining a successful relationship, and the popular axim "till death do us part" certainly applies here. Sagittarius on the third is the way libra thinks or communicates -simply, faithfully, trustingly, openly, and honestly. They like to engage in philosophical discussion, and travel or culture are always good topics. With Capricorn on the fourth house Libra is very serious or strict about home and family life. The Libran household must be run efficiently and economically with everything in its properly assigned place. Aquarius on the fifth house looks for novelty and excitement in the love life. They are not afraid to experiment or be different here, and their attitude is often impersonal or detached. Pisces on the sixth house makes them confused or sensitive about the kind of work or services they should do(they're usually "artistic" in nature), and the quality of their environment can greatly affect their health. Aries on the seventh house attracts impulsive, energetic, and very often aggressive types of partners or mates who greatly challenge them. They rely on others to take the lead or make decisions for them. Taurus on the eigth house makes Libra gain through other people's wealth or belongings and they have a materialistic view or attitude concerning sex and death. Gemini on the ninth house gives them a versatile philosophy of life that puts great faith or importance on the ability to solve any problem or difficulty through open discussion or communication. They learn much through their travels. Cancer on the tenth house sees home and family as the ultimate goal or achievement where relationships are solidified or permanently defined. Leo on the eleventh house likes to entertain or show off with friends who are usually warm, proud, and creative types, and they have noble aims or aspirations. Virgo on the twelfth house hides its guilt and flaws and finds escape through work, routine, cleaning, or exercise.

SCORPIO: Emotional and intense Scorpio has lucky Sagittarius on the second house so that money seems to come just when needed and often in abundant amounts. Scorpio's also appreciate or value anything "spiritual" or moral despite their lower tendency to cross moral boundaries. Capricorn on the third house makes Scorpio a serious, practical, and organized thinker. They think in terms of "use" and can be highly economical, industrious, or controlling. Aquarius on the fourth house makes the Scorpio home or environment modern and unique with all the latest gadgets. They treat family as friends and need lots of freedom and independance here otherwise there often separations or rebellions. Pisces on the fifth house gives a liking for mysterious or romantic love and there is a psychic link or understanding with children. Movies, art, music, romance, intoxicants, water sports, and the paranormal, are enjoyable pastimes for them. Aries on the sixth makes Scorpio an active and energetic worker who gives his all here. In one sense you can say they ARE their work. They like vigorous exercise and often complain about headaches or eye problems. Taurus on the seventh house is looking for stable, permanent, and profitable relationships. Their partners are often artists, singers, bankers, and the powerful or wealthy. Gemini on the eighth has multiple sources of income and a diversified interest in sex, the occult, or the paranormal. Knowledge or education can transform them deeply. Cancer on the ninth has an abiding faith in the home and family. Mother and emotions or feelings are sacrosanct and food or nurturing uplifts their soul. Leo on the tenth house seeks personal creative expression as a career outlet. Sex, love, and power are driving forces, and many make competent bosses, leaders, or authority figures. Virgo on the eleventh is very selective about friends and associations, who are often of a highly technical or skilled nature. They woukld like to help humanity through medical, technical, or environmental breakthroughs. Libra on the twelfth does all of its assessing, weighing, or judging in secret and will make sacrifices in the name of justice or fairness. They have beautiful and pleasant dreams.

SAGITTARIUS: Jovial and adventurous Sagittarius has economical Capricorn on the second house so that money is very hard to come by and requires lots of planning, discipline, and budgeting. Gambling and pie-in-the-sky schemes will simply not work. Aquarius on the third gives Sag a brilliant and unconventional mind although some might call it crazy. They are honest and forthright and can be quite fixed or stubborn on some of their ideas which they like to share freely with friends. With Pisces on the fourth house, the home is Sag's escape, where they can just unwind and let their feelings and imaginations take over. Drawing, painting, watching movies, smoking, drinking, meditating, or just plain resting or sleeping are favourite activities here. Aries on the fifth means lots of action and energy is expended on fun and entertainment, whether it be sports, traveling, gambling, or lovemaking. They are fearless when it comes to pursuing their love interests as they thrive on challenge and danger. Taurus on the sixth makes for a stable and productive worker who wants to be paid generously for his or her services. Most work will be of a physical or conventional nature. Gemini on the seventh wants an attractive, intelligent, and diverse partner with a flexible attitude and a good sense of humour. Multiple partners are often indicated. Cancer on the eighth experiences intense emotional transformations often through some family loss or secret. Real estate, food products, and security services bring in good investment returns. Leo on the ninth house gives a philosophy based on generosity, love, and playfulness. Warm and sunny travel destinations are ideal. With Virgo on the tenth, Sagittarius aims for very specific careers or professions, often of a very highly technical or analytical nature. Health, computer, and service-oriented fields are ideal. Libra on the eleventh looks for attractive and artistic friends and has a genius for correlating ideas and principles or for mediating disparate views or groups. Scorpio on the twelfth house harbours deep secrets which have the power to heal, destroy, or transform.

CAPRICORN: Practical and organized Capricorn has experimental and ingenious Aquarius on the second house so that money or profit comes through friends, associations, and unusual ventures and projects. Science, technology, and industry are lucrative fields. With Pisces on the third house Capricorns are surprisingly shy or timid in their communications. They have sensitive, imaginative minds, and tend to be quiet and seclusive. Aries on the fourth house gives much activity in and around the home front, and this where Capricorns can simply let go and be themselves. Taurus on the fifth house gives Capricorn a very sensuous and torrid love nature and much money is spent on love or entertainment. Gemini on the sixth house makes Capricorn a bright and versatile worker who writes, reads, speaks, moves about, jokes, and multitasks. They are very effective media people. With Cancer on the seventh house, there is a need for a sensitive and maternal-type partner who can intuit and take care of his/her needs(mom is usually ideal). They themselves are caring or nurturing towards others. Leo on the eighth gives a powerful and creative sexuality and/or deep need for love and affection. There is also an enjoyment of morbid or occult matters and a desire to invest in gold or lucrative entertainment contracts. Virgo on the ninth faithfully believes in duty, hard work, order, cleanliness, punctuality, and perfection. They are meticulous travelers and discriminating philosophers. With Libra on the tenth, Capricorn's whole aim in life is to create a beautiful and harmonious order around him/her. Public relations, art, design, sculpture, architecture, the beauty professions, music, litigation, and law, are all desired professions. Scorpio on the eleventh makes few but powerful friends and joins exclusive or secretive associations to further the aims or objectives. Sagittarius on the twelfth harbours moral or spiritual secrets and seeks retirement in a distant or foreign location.

AQUARIUS: Unique and ingenious Aquarius has Pisces on the second house so that money or wealth is obtained through charitable or artistic means or there is an impractical or spiritual approach to material things. Film, photography, music, dance, art, acting, or psychic work are profitable or gainful activities. With Aries on the third house of communications, Aquarians can be quite vocal or feisty about their ideas or thinking. They are courageous and inspirational self-thinkers who blaze or pioneer the paths for others, often risking ridicule or notoriety in the process. Taurus on the fourth house often indicates a stable or wealthy upbringing or a firm and resourceful attitude towards domestic matters. These people don't like changing residence often. Gemini on the fifth means enjoyment through intellectual activities or pastimes with lots of variety here. They are turned on sexually or romantically by Gemini-type individuals. Cancer on the sixth house can mean working as a caretaker or in a domestic capacity. They use their feelings and intuitions to fix or repair things and are quite sensitive about the food they eat or the clothes they wear. Leo on the seventh house looks for a strong and dominant partner who can bring out the warmth and creativity of Aquarius. It can also indicate bossy or arrogant partners. Virgo on the eighth seeks change or transformation through ones work or services. They have a critical or analytical view of death and occult matters. Libra on the ninth has a philosophy of balance and harmony that is quite beautiful and uplifting. They often get married or form close partnerships overseas or in distant lands. With Scorpio on the tenth house Aquarians are very intense or private about their careers or paths in life. There is always an element of danger or death involved here. Sagittarius on the eleventh house means plenty of friends and the realization of spiritual goals or causes. Their friends are lucky for them and many are foreign. Capricorn on the twelth house means serious planning or organizing behind the scenes, and worries and difficulties are kept hidden or in control.

PISCES: mystical and illusive Pisces has Aries on the second house so that lots of energy is spent on financial matters. They earn and spend quickly and like to own anything sharp and metallic or that produces heat. Taurus on the third house makes Pisces a slow but practical thinker, speaker, or communicator. Money and posessions are often on the mind. Gemini on the fourth house can mean two houses or changing residence frequently. Lot's of mental or communicative activity occurs in the home. Cancer on the fifth house finds love and leisure through the home or family. They love cooking. collecting, or caretaking. Leo on the sixth looks to the entertainment world for work. Most Pisces types make fine actors, artists, musicians, and entertainers in general, and take great pride in their work or skills. Virgo on the seventh house seeks a very discriminating or disciplined type partner to balance their own vagueness or lassitude. Close or intimate relationships are usually established at the workplace or through some service. Pisceans require beautiful, peaceful, or harmonious people and environments in order to achieve regeneration. They have a balanced view of death, sex, and occult principles or ideas. Scorpio on the ninth indicates a deep, intense, and selective, philosophy or spiritual nature. They undergo many transforming or life-changing experiences during their travels. With Sagittarius on the tenth house Pisceans decide to take up spiritual professions, such as priest, monk, mystic, or philosopher. Other professions include publisher, explorer, travel agent, athelete, hunter, or the import/export business. Capricorn on the eleventh gives Pisces an organizational or defining genius. They are good with numbers and facts and lists and have few but quality friends whom they often go into business with. With their extreme sensitivity and perception Pisceans well know the truth on many things but they keep it secret or locked up inside of them. Many of their inventions come through dreams or visions.

The End of the Age 2012

There are great cycles in the cosmos which rule great events. One such is the cycle of the Great Zodiac Ages which spans almost 26,000 years. This is the time it takes our planet's equatorial plane(due to its axial wobble) to regress one full cycle along the solar plane(ecliptic). Each zodiac age can last anywhere from 2000 to 2300 years. The Age of Pisces in which we live is one of the shortest ages, beginning in 26 AD and ending in 2012 AD -or a total of just over 1986 years. In 1945 we entered the last degree of Pisces. Here are the ages and their durations...

Aries, Pisces, Libra, Virgo1986.37 years
Aquarius, Scorpio, Leo, Taurus2129.04 years
Capricorn, Sagittarius, Cancer, Gemini2291.28 years
These lengths are based on the Earth's electromagnetic(astrological) composition. The dates at which each begins or ends is based on the Mayan calender.
The Mayan Great Year is 25,626.83 years, which is then divided into five periods of 5125.36 years or 1,872,000 days. These five "Worlds" or "Suns" do not necessarily correspond with the astrological ages, but the end of this fourth World does. The Mayan Fourth World or Sun began in 3113 BC and ends in 2012 AD.
The Mayans use 5, 10, and 20 (fingers and toes) as their base numbers, and a whole octave series of dates around these key numbers can be built, as follows...
3113BC-2012ADMayan 4th World
1500-2012ADThe Americas
1961-2012ADPhoton Belt
2007-2012ADPole Shift
Each successive period is ten times shorter, yet ten times more intense. The last 512 years were ten times more intense than the whole 4th World period. The last 51-year End Time period is 100 times more intense than the whole 4th World period and ten times more intense than the whole Modern era of the New World or Americas. The last 5-year period will be 1000 times more intense than the whole 4th World period, 100 times more intense than the Modern or Colonialist period, and 10 times more intense than the End-Time or Photon period. Every 5125-year period intensifies in this manner untill it is ended by a worldwide flood, fire, or other global catastrophe, from which humanity has to start all over again.

While the crossover from one age to the next can take hundreds of years, the critical midpoint between the Age of Pisces and the Age of Aquarius is December 21st, 2012 AD, when the Earth's equatorial plane aligns exactly with the galactic center. The Ages are a purely planetary phenomenon based on the planet's wobble. The source of this wobble is in dispute, although I suspect it is linked to our planet's inner sun(our planet is hollow containing an inner central sun). Each planet has its own ages.
Each Age has a theme, and the theme of the Age of Pisces is Christianity(Sagittarius is on the Midheaven). Both Pisces and Sagittarius are "spiritual" signs interested in the larger meaning of life. The theme(s) of the coming Age of Aquarius will be truth and brotherhood.

The best Age for this planet is Libra, since this is its ruling sign. The last such age was from 14,773 to 12,787 BC. Next best are Gemini(6380 to 4089 BC) and Aquarius(2012 to 4142 AD). The Age of Pisces is NOT a good Age for this planet, as Pisces represents the eigth house of death for Libra.
What is special about the Age of Aquarius is that not only is it a "good" Age, but it is also during this age that our solar system is going to be inside the photon belt. Every 10,684 years, our solar system enters this belt of photonic energy for a period of over 2100 years, usually during the Ages of Leo or Aquarius. When it was last in Leo, Atlantis reigned supreme in a Golden Age.

Photon energy is divine enegry or what the bible calls the Holy Spirit, and which comes from the center of Creation and is stepped down to the galactic, solar, planetary, and individual levels. We will in effect be reconnected to our divine source. This will raise the vibratory level to the point where people will either resist and die or let go and be transformed into a light being. The Earth itself will be transformed and shine like a star as its inner central sun is finally fully turned on. This is the new heaven and earth.
Our solar system began its entry into the belt in the early 1960's and won't be fully immersed for another hundred years or so. Earth's orbit will be fully immersed by late 2012 AD. The effect of this will be like turning the light switch to the "on" position. This new energy will power everything from our bodies to gadgets and transportation systems. The old sources of energy will no longer work or be needed.

During the ensuing Millennium everyone will work towards making this planet a paradise again, and after the 1000 years are over there will be a great Graduation event of souls who have acheived light being status as well as a great Resurrection of all souls throughout history who will be given 100 years to relive their lives and come to the truth. All those left behind will still have another 1000 years of grace before Earth and the solar system exit the photon belt and enter once again into another long night of 10,684 years, wherein only the interior of the planet will remain a paradise.


The following information may be true, then again it may not be true. Or it could be a combination of both. These are actual claims made by abductees and contactees as to the nature of certain specific star systems in our general galactic neighborhood, as well as the nature of their inhabitants.
Just how much of the following claims are accurate, I do not know. Perhaps some of you out there have 'inside' knowledge that can serve to confirm, refute or refine some of these claims. If so, then by all means please share your feedback, so that we can begin to get a handle on the who, what and where of our interstellar neighbors, whether these "neighbors" prove to be friendly or not- so-friendly.
But first, a brief introduction of a possible origin of some of the 'aliens' in this sector of space, based on the claims of the late contactee Maurice Doreal:
In ancient times the earth was populated by a race of Nordic- like humans, and also a genetically engineered conglomerate race with a reptilian DNA base. Could the latter have been a genetically engineered race that got out of control?
Whatever the case, in what amounted to a species war during a prehistoric era, before the sinking of two major island- continents and a global cataclysm that shook the earth, these two 'races' fought each other for domination of the surface of the planet. These events, including the sinking of the continents and the polar shift, may have occured FOLLOWING the legendary deluge.
Massive explosions loosed during this war precipitated a polar shift, and both 'sides' escaped into underground facilities in order to survive. Those humans who remained on the surface reverted to a stone-age lifestyle and forgot the former world, except through the legends and myths that survived.
From their underground strongholds, the 'Nordics' and the 'Reptiloids' sent out space vessels beyond the confines of planet earth, and took their battle to the moon, to Mars, and finally to the stars.
The Reptiloids established themselves in Alpha Draconis, on a planet called Tiphon; whereas the Humans established one of their major bases in Vega, Lyra.
From these two star-bases, both 'sides' began to extend their civilizations outwards, colonizing other worlds, until the time came when the Draconians -- seeing the expanding Lyran empire as a threat to their agenda for galactic domination -- chose to stage a surprise attack on the Lyran colonial worlds, effectively destroying three of their major planets and scattering the seeds of human life throughout this sector, as refugees from that war escaped to colonize other star systems.
Here then are some of the star systems that have been referred to by a number of abductees or contactees. In most cases, more than one abductee/contactee has made reference to the same star systems, and their descriptions of the nature of the entities who allegedly dominate those systems tend to collaborate each other to a remarkable degree, in some cases:
ALPHA DRACONIS -- Home of green and brown skinned, 7-8 ft. tall Reptilian humanoids, many of whom have assimilated human DNA to enhance their emotional centers, and who rule a large number of subdued planets via psionic implants, linked together into a collective, hive, or group consciousness that is ultimately controlled by a massive computer network and sub-space transciever that exists at some undisclosed location near the home system, one that operates simultaneously on the material and astral planes. These Draco are said to serve an elite class of Reptilians, the White or Beige Dracos and dark-skinned winged Dracos called the "Ciakars". They maintain a major underground earth base below Dulce, New Mexico (source: Alex Collier, and others).
EPSILON BOOTES -- Home of a genetically engineered conglomerate race with an insectoid genetic base and assimilated reptilian and other types of DNA. Large heads, thin bodies, grey-white skin. These are known as the "Dows", and are subservient to the Dracos, several of which are also based in this system (source: Thomas Castello).
RIGEL ORION -- Once the home of Nordic like human race, Rigel was attacked by the Draconians and their subordinate 'Grey' mercenaries who were and are experts in psychic warfare, espionage, infiltration, deception and manipulation. Several surviving refugees fled from Rigel to Procyon, to the Jovian moons of Sol, and to Sirius [Sirius-A]? Some Sirian factions have been at war with the Rigelians ever since (source: Al Bielek, George Andrews).
PROCYON -- Home of Nordic like humans. Procyon was subdued by Rigelian greys in recent centuries, having succumbed to a 'Trojan horse' style takeover via infiltration. Recently, with the help of other Federated worlds, Procyon has been liberated (source: George Andrews, Alex Collier).
TAU CETI -- Home of humans who on the average are of a stalky or muscular build, and about 5 1/2 ft. tall. They usually wear their hair in a crew style cut, their faces are somewhat broad and their ears slightly pointed, but 'human' in every sense of the word. They have been at war with the white-greys or Dows for several generations. The Dows have kidnapped a large number of their children and have committed numerous other atrocities against their world (source: Forest Crawford).
EPSILON ERIDANI -- Also the home of human colonials, who work closely with the Tau Cetians (source: Forest Crawford).
WOLF 424 -- Also known as Iumma, with its inhabited planet Ummo. They are tall Scandinavian like people who work closely with the Vegans. They are part of a free capital type of society, and some of their ambassadors work closely with certain scientific fraternities in France and Spain (source: Ummo Papers).
VEGA LYRA -- Most of the current Vegans are humans who are similar in appearance to dark skinned orientals like those of India. Also some blond and red-haired humans live in the Vega system. They live in an egalitarian, communal type of society and maintain a massive earth-base below Furnace Creek, California. Many Vegans were originally refugees from the other Lyran worlds that were attacked by the Draconians (source: Jefferson Souza, Navajo researcher Oga-Make).
BERNARDS STAR -- Home of the "Orange", replicated human 'hybrids' with assimilated reptilian DNA and/or cybernetic enhancements. They have often been described as having course yellow, orange or reddish hair that stands upright on their heads in stalk-like fashion (source: William Cooper, Paul Bennewitz).
ZETA II RETICULI -- Grey skinned, large heads, slanted dark eyes and thin bodies. Some of the more commonly reported aliens, although Dracos and Dows seem to be making a big showing in recent years. They have a reptilian DNA base with assimilated insectilian and plant-based genetics, the latter of which provides a greenish chlorophyl-based circulatory system. They have no working digestive tract, being that they are mostly clones [the "original" are taller and far more scarce, and are revered by the rest as the elite of their race]. They must apply vital fluids from other life forms or vegetable juices to their skin, through which it is absorbed and later excreted out in a 'shedding' fashion, or as urine which creates an intense ammonia-like stench. They work closely with, or are controlled by, the Dracos (source: Betty & Barney Hill, and many other sources).
ZETA I RETICULI -- Greys and hybrids with assimilated human DNA. Some of these work with Federated worlds who adhere to Non-Interventionist ethics, and tend to resist the Zeta II / Draconis agenda (source: Alex Collier).
ALCYON -- The central star in the Pleiades cluster. A genetically conglomerate race who are rather isolationist, yet do not necessarily adhere to the Non-Interventionist ethics of certain groups in the Taygeta system (source: Jefferson Souza).
TAYGETA PLEIADES -- A Terra-formed planet named Erra within this system is the home of Nordic like refugees from the ancient Draconian attack on Lyra. Several types of animal life were transferred from Earth to Erra to prime its natural cycle, since the Taygeta system is relatively young. Erra is only one of several planets that have been colonized in star systems of the 200-plus Pleiades open cluster [7 or so of the brighter stars are visible to the naked eye]. The Taygetans are tied-in with other colonial worlds in the Hyades and the Zenatae and Tishtae star systems in the Andromeda constellation. They also have contact with the inhabitants of another universe, the anti- matter counterpart to ours, known as the 'Dal' universe (source: Billy Meier).
ALDEBARAN -- Human militarists of a fascist slant who have traditionally sided with the Dracos and Greys. They collaborate within a large underground facility below Egypt, the base of a secret "Kamagol-II" cult which has connections to the Bavarian Thule Society and the Montauk time-space projects. This cult is also referred to as the Gizeh empire or Gizeh Intelligence, and they are working with secret societies on earth in an effort to dissolve all national sovereignties into a global religio-eco- political order. There are also Insectoid forces involved with Aldebaran. Apparently a neo-Nazi space force may have helped to colonize that system by sending time-space forces back into the distant past to inhabit the 4th dimensional realm of one or more of its planets. These forces from the past are currently involved with the New World Order scenario, attempting to carry out their dictatorial agenda on earth from their "base" within another time-space dimension of Aldebaran (source: Preston Nicholes, and others).
ARCTURUS -- Home of a number of different genetic sub-races who range from interventionist to non-interventionist and everywhere in between. Arcturus is the hub of a huge collective of different worlds which stretch out multi-dimensionally into the galaxy sectors beyond our own (source: Robert Renaud).
ALTAIR AQUILA -- Home of Nordics and Greys who have collaborated in the past. Recent reports however have alleged that the human or Nordic elements, with the help of certain fascist alternative-3 type forces on earth who are in collaboration with the Greys and Dracos, have suffered a major loss of their sovereignty, and have essentially become an enslaved race (source: Michael Wolf, and others).
CAPPELLA -- Formerly an independent race of bluish-skinned Reptiloids, the Cappellans are a female dominated warrior society who were drawn under Draconian domination after the Greys approached them a few centuries ago claiming to be fleeing from Draco overlords, and asking the Cappellans' assistance and cooperation. In reality the deceitful Greys were working fully under the Dracos direction, and used their collaboration with the Cappellans to betray and conquer them. In recent times the female Cappellans -- who are naturally taller than the males -- rebelled and liberated themselves from the Greys and Dracos. They have since joined the Federated worlds in their efforts to blockade the Sol system from Draconian interventionists (source: "Tau", a Canadian contactee).
SIRIUS-A -- Home of a race of Federation backed Nordics, Sasquatch, and genetic human-feline hybrids. They have recently engaged in a "civil war" with a certain planet in Sirius-B that is controlled by Reptilian and Amphibian humanoids (source: Alex Collier, and others).
SIRIUS-B -- At least two planets in Sirius-B are inhabited. One is controlled by reptilian-amphibian humanoids, some of whom can disguise themselves in human form, and who have established a treaty with the Alpha Draconians and Rigelians. This triple- alliance is determined to bring planet earth into its fold, and they are in the process of sending a steady stream of military craft to earth in order to assist in an attempted takeover from within when a global economic collapse opens the way for their fifth column agents on earth to implement total electronic control. They want control of earth so that planet earth and its resources can be used as an attack-base to conquer the Federated worlds. Several 'underground' armies are already on earth, hiding within a network of underground bases, waiting for the time when they can "divide-and-conquer" those of us on the surface and take control with the help of their collaborators here. Three large Draco-Rigelian-SirianB ships came into the Sol system, hiding in the tail of Hale-Bopp comet, only to "jump ship" as the comet was swinging around the sun, taking up orbits around Mercury. The other inhabited Sirius-B planet, Bellaton, seems to have been involved in a civil war in the Sirius system. Bellaton is the home of Nordics and Insectoids, some of whom are apparently allied with the Non-Interventionists, and some of whom are allied with the Interventionists in Orion and Alpha Draconis (source: Ray Keller, Alex Collier, and others).
BELLATRIX ORION -- The home of a genetically engineered race [the Skril?]. These are very nasty and mean Reptiloids with genetically assimilated insectoid features, and heavily cyber-enhanced. Bellatrix also harbors many of the 'original' egg-laying Reptilian 'queen-breeders', who assimilate the various genetic resources that are acquired from different worlds in order to enhance their race, or to develop various other genetically conglomerate sub-races, each of which serve different purposes within the empire or the Draconian 'Hive'. The security levels surrounding these 'queens' are some of the most intense in the galaxy (source: Ray Keller, and others).
ALPHA CENTAURI -- Home of Nordics who are somewhat independent, yet do relate to the Federated worlds on certain levels (source: Gabriel Green).
POLARIS -- Reptiloids and Greys, collaborators with the Alpha Draconians!? (source: do not recall exactly where I read about this one).
BETELGEUSE -- A large star on the outskirts of Orion, jointly occupied by Greys, and giant humans some 9-12 ft. tall called the "Nepheli" or "Els", who interact with others of their kind who dwell within deep cavern systems under the western part of North America. These two races, the Greys and the human-based Nepheli, are apparently not on friendly terms with each other (source: Jason Bishop).

[The following is an experimental chronology that is based on claims made by numerous abductees, contactees, traditions, and also holy scripture. Note: The dates given are estimates, and are not necessarily the exact time-periods in question. This is an tentative chronology and should not be considered complete]
4000 B.C. -- Jehovah creates Adam and Eve as perfect prototype human beings with possible I.Q.'s nearing 1000 (source: the Holy Bible - book of Genesis)
3500 B.C. -- Man has degenerated into a race of arrogant, violent rebels and begins to use their intelligence to develop even more destructive weapons (source: various legends from around the world; the book of Genesis)
3000 B.C. -- Man has corrupted his knowledge and taken it to the extreme by trying to fuse science with sorcery, in collaboration with fallen angels. Strange genetic spawns are formed by sorcerer- scientists who are intent on playing god. Divine judgement hits the planet as a huge global aquifer collapses and, under tremendous pressure, this underground reservoir explodes out through the crust via the mid-oceanic rifts, sending huge geysers of basalt-laden waters miles into the sky, where it disperses through and consolidates with the mist-like atmosphere of the planet, which in turn 'primes' the hydrodynamic cycle. Emptied of their contents, vast sections of the global aquifer collapse into the ocean floors and trenches, and mountain ranges and continents are pushed upwards. Noah and his family have completed an ark/ship at God's command, and a hairy 'giant' by the name of 'Og' [and his mate, products of a genetic fusion between humans and apes] are allowed into the ark on the condition that they are to be the servants of Noah's descendants in the new world. Sorcerer-scientists on an island- continent off the coast of Florida open up a rift in hyperspace as an experiment with crystal-based electromagnetic manipulation goes out of control, releasing electromagnetic 'subspace fallout' for thousands of years to come. These 'Atlanteans' try to escape the global cataclysm by taking refuge in their underground bases below the east coast of North America and western Europe. They perish from suffocation, starvation, or from drowning as their bases are flooded (source: Creation Research Institute; the Hebrew MIDRASH; numerous legends and claims; deductive reasoning)
2500 B.C. -- Alchemists, working in behalf of the post- diluvian Babylonian Mystery Cult, and under the direction of fallen angels, genetically engineer a race of reptilian humanoids using a reptilian and/or saurian DNA base, and with the aid of occult-technology recovered from underground antediluvian scientific facilities. These reptiloids, some of whom have been fused with humanoid and other strains of DNA, get out of control and rebel. Fallen angels - astral parasites - poltergeists incarnate these creatures and successfully attempt to assimilate - absorb - integrate their physical nature into their own beings. Some remain physical and migrate into existing underground caverns, whereas others are phased-out of the third dimension... from time to time these "repti-poltergeists" or "wer-dracs" possess powerful world leaders in order to assimilate their physicality, thus creating a tri-symbiotic being - a virtual perversion of nature - that is part poltergeist, reptilian, and human... all integrated or superimposed as one entity. Many of these remain on the surface of the planet, and devolop methods for "blending in" with the human population [molecular shape shifting, technotic projection, laser holograms, superficial bio-phasing, etc.]. Several of these escape to Antarctica [at the time a semi-tropical continent] and develop a powerful empire (source: Information given to contactee Maurice Doreal by alleged residents of a hidden underground neo-Mayan colony under Mt. Shasta, California; also Deductive Reasoning)
2000 B.C. -- The center of human civilization is in a lush kingdom in the Gobi region of central Asia. Blue-eyed, blond- haired humans, in alliance with a tall humanoid branch known as the 'Nepheli', wage war against the reptilian empire in Antarctica. The Gobians, in a desperate measure to defend their infiltrated and threatened society, use an experimental super-weapon [a cobalt warhead?] against the Antarcticans, and the explosion knocks the planet off its axial alignment and sends most advanced cultures back into the stone age, except for those who escape underground in order to maintain their scientific continuity. When the planet stabilizes, the poles have shifted. The Gobi begins to turn into an inhospitable desert, burying the remains of the pre-Nordic kingdom under tons of sand; and Antarctica is turned into a frozen wasteland, which in turn buries the remnants of the reptilian empire under tons of ice. Wholly Mammoths in Siberia are frozen solid almost overnight. With their main center of power shattered, reptilian forces in secret outposts all over the planet band together and are forced to take refuge within huge cavern systems that had been discovered underground -- within remnants of the ancient aquifer which remained intact. These multi-levelled hydrothermal caverns become their new abode, especially a massive underground system centered below the general region of Nepal and stretching from Benares India to Lake Manosarowar, Tibet. Many of the former Gobi 'Nordics' also escape underground, into recently discovered cavern systems below the general region of Mongolia and central Asia. As with the reptiloids, the 'Nordics' carefully conceal the entrances to these underground realms, in order to protect themselves from unwanted intruders. Lower down, the Reptilian and Nordic cavern systems intersect, leading to inevitable underground conflicts between the two super-powers. Other Nordics migrate westward and give rise to those tribes which will eventually become the Scandinavians, whereas other more fanatical factions invade India [the 'Aryan' invasion of the Indian sub-continent] and bring with them their 'Hindu' traditions of 'gods', who were essentially humans or 'ancient astronauts' from earth, utilizing sophisticated technology. The reptilians and their underground 'snake-world' also appear in Hindu traditions, which refer to the reptiloids as the 'Nagas', a subterranean race of space-faring reptilians who are very menacing to the human race. Also, ancient vedic texts from India record accounts of strange machines, mercury-powered airships called 'viminas', and even nuclear warfare, resulting from the technology that the 'Aryan' Nordics brought with them during the invasion of India (source: Contactee Maurice Doreal; Hindu traditions related by Reptologist Sherman A. Minton, Jr.; Various vedic texts from India)
1500 B.C. -- The 'Nordics' underneath the Gobi region [within the 'Agharti' kingdom and its capital 'Shambhala the Lesser'] and the Reptiloids underneath the region of Nepal [the seven-levelled reptilian underworld of 'Patala', with its capital 'Bhoga-vita'] continue to wage a species war against each other, first within the caverns of Asia, then within the caverns of the Americas and other continents, then a war for domination of the air, and finally taking their conflict to the moon and mars (source: Richard Shaver; Robert E. Dickhoff; Ferdinand Ossendowski; Nicholas Roerich)
1000 B.C. -- The Nordics and Reptiloids of the SOL system [and of Terra/Earth/Shan] discover hyperspace travel. America would discover how to manipulate hyperspace much later during the Philadelphia Experiment, only 40 years following the Wright Brother's first heavier-than-air flights. Accessing hyperspace is relatively easy, the problem comes with trying to manipulate hyperspace without tragic and dangerous side effects. Within a 1000 years -- by the time of Christ's advent on planet earth, -- a large segment of the galaxy and several dimensions are colonized, due to the advent of instantaneous interstellar and inter-dimensional travel. Life forms on earth had succeeded in "breaking out of the cradle". In most cases the masses of the planet have been intentionally kept in technological darkness and poverty, especially by the more malevolent star-faring groups, in order to provide a constant supply of slaves, bio-genetic sources, and resources for various 'alien' groups which had their original genesis on planet earth. All throughout history regular 'brain-drains' have recruited the most intelligent minds that the surface of planet earth had to offer, these being initiated into the secret societies which operate underground, off-planet or in other dimensions. The war-like masses of planet earth, who were considered a potential threat to the interventionists and non-interventionists alike, are manipulated into a long-range plan of eco-political servitude. The malevolent aliens are terrified at the prospect of a Nordic-backed 'open' or 'free' society on planet earth breaking out of the planetary 'cradle' and thus threatening their galactic empire; and the benevolent aliens are fearful at the prospect of a Draco-backed 'controlled' society [such as the Nazi space forces] being used as mind- controlled warriors to fight the Draconians' galactic battles for them. A Nazi/Bavaria space force based in Antarctica would eventually be responsible for helping the Draco collective to enslave several worlds within the immediate 21 star-system sector of the galaxy. On earth these atrocities were being carried out by a third faction -- the ASTARTE or ASHTAR cult, based in caverns below the Egyptian/Gizeh desert. This cult -- which had/has close ties with Nazi occult societies, the Jesuits, and International Bankers who are the REAL controllers of the planet -- forms out of a collaboration between humanoid and reptiloid techno-sorcerers who are part of an interplanetary 'Masonic' lodge, the lower ranks of which are manifested as the 33 lodge degrees on earth. Fallen elements of the human and serpent [beast] races begin to develop genetically-engineered bodies to be used by their Luciferian masters in order for their masters to operate in and manipulate 3rd dimensional matter and technology. Many of the so-called 'Grey Aliens' are conceived. Fallen elements from the three creations: angels, humans, and beasts, are now fully collaborating as part of Lucifer's ancient rebellion and conspiracy against Almighty God and his warrior angels. The 'Greys' are a frankensteinian combination of reptiloid, insectoid, humanoid and even plant- like DNA combined with sophisticated cybernetics and implant technology which links them into a group-mind, ultimately controlled and incarnated by fallen angels themselves -- Satan's attempt to imitate God and 'create' a race of his own. It is not a creation however, but merely a perversion of that which has already been created. The 'Ashtar' collaboration, and the rebel angels which manipulate much of this 'universal' and non exclusive collective by masquerading as 'ascended masters', eventually establish a large network based in Sirius-B. A faction rises in Sirius-A which resists the expansionist philosophy of the main 'Ashtar' alliance. Since many within the Ashtar collective are linked together psionically via 3rd, 4th and 5th density implants, it was not too hard for the Draconians -- who also have access to 3rd, 4th and 5th density realms -- to 'hack in' to the collective and begin to manipulate it, in spite of any good intentions of some of those semi- individuals who are a part of the Ashtar Alliance. Many of those 'Nordics' who adhere to strict non-interventionist ethics establish the core of their civilization near the Ring Nebula of Lyra, and the Reptiloids establish the base of their empire in Alpha Draconis, whereas other reptilian factions who do not believe in the predatory activities of the 'Draconians' themselves break off and establish independent colonies in other star systems such as Capella, etc. (source: Various contactees and abductees; alien autopsy reports; Vladimir Terziski; the Holy Bible)
500 B.C. -- In a sudden surprise attack, the Alpha Draconian empire destroys three Nordic colonial worlds in the Lyra region. Over 50 million men, woman and children perish in the initial attacks. Vega Lyra escapes the destruction and is able to put up a defence, and receives some of the surviving refugees from the devastated worlds, whereas other refugees escape to Rigel Orion, and to the Pleiades cluster, where they commence to terra-form several worlds which become the base of a large Federation of Worlds. The Hyades and Andromeda constellations [not necessarily Andromeda galaxy] are colonized, as are several worlds within the anti-matter [DAL] universe (source: Billy Meier and other 'Pleiadian' contactees)
BC/AD -- The appearance of JESUS of Nazareth, the LOGOS/WORD/ SON of God, and His ministry, crucifixion, and resurrection. The Nordics in Rigel, after massive infiltration by Draconian forces, wage a desperate war against Reptilian and Grey forces. The surviving Nordics are forced out of the Orion open cluster and take refuge on the Jovian moons of Sol, in Sirius-A, and in Procyon. Other humanoids flee to the outer Orionite systems, yet because of their close proximity to the central empire must capitulate much of their sovereignty over to the Draconian collective. These peoples are used by the collective to serve the empire in a similar fashion as peasants serve a king or dictator, yet on a much larger and more tragic scale (the Holy Bible; Israel Norkin and other contactees)
500 A.D. -- The Orion cluster is now fully controlled by the "United Worlds of Orion" which in turn serves under the authority of the Alpha Draconian empire, Rigel and Bellatrix being major centers of Orionite power. This sub-empire of Orion consists all-in-all of six Orionite star systems at the core, which have succeeded in conquering and subduing several worlds throughout this sector of the galaxy in order to feed their empire's parasitical lust for conquest, many of these worlds are slave-planets where descendants of human colonials live, although their horrifying existence could probably not be considered 'living'. The atrocities of the Draco-Orion empire are known throughout the whole galaxy and has earned itself the title, among many of their Federation enemies, of "The Unholy Six". Devastating battles are waged between the Pleiadeans and Orionites. Whole worlds are devastated. The Sirians, many of whom are descended from refugees from Rigel Orion, begin a long history of interstellar conflict with the Orionites over the disputed sector of space, a star cluster in the immediate vicinity of Sol, containing some 21 life-bearing star systems (source: Alex Collier and other contactees)
1000 A.D. -- Core systems of the Draconian collective include: Alpha Draconis, Rigel Orion, Epsilon Bootes, Zeta II Reticuli. Core systems of the Ashtar Alliance include: Sirius-B, Arcturus, Aldebaran, Altair. Core systems of the United Federation include: Taygeta Pleiades, Tau Ceti, Vega Lyra, Procyon. To better understand these three networks, you could say that the United Federation's MAIN focus is on spiritual development, whereas the Ashtar Alliance's is on intellectual advancement, and the Draconian's on material conquest. We live in a universe of spirit, mind, and matter. The important thing to remember however, is to ensure that spirit dominates over matter, rather than the other way around [that is, a top-down flow of LIFE rather then a bottom-up flow of CHAOS]. There are fallen angels who would try to counterfeit true spiritual LIFE. You will know them by their 'fruits', and by their obsession with materialism, and their advocation of material means for salvation of spirit, for instance so-called salvation by surrendering to a psionic- electronic COLLECTIVE which discourages free agency, sovereignty, creativity, liberty and self-expression. Such a false 'salvation' tends to KILL the spirit rather than set it free. However, the Federated worlds MUST subdue and tame the Draconians, otherwise the Draconians -- who are motivated by unbounded material appetite just like their rebel/fallen angelic masters -- will annihilate the Federation worlds, which the Draconian collective considers to be the only obstacle standing in the way of full galactic assimilation and conquest. They are especially hostile to those hard-core non-interventionists who would try to police the galaxy in an effort to prevent interventionist forces from interfering with the sovereignty and destinies of independent worlds. In order to conquer the nature of the beast without, however, WE must first conquer the nature of the beast within, by making peace with the Almighty SOURCE of all LIFE, by receiving the 'Divine Blood Transfusion' that Jesus the Christ -- the Son of God and the Son of Man, the God-Man -- made possible as a result of the events which took place at Calvary, at the "center of time", BC/AD (source: Various contactees and abductees; the Holy Bible)
1500 A.D. -- Draconian Reptiloids and Rigelian Greys try to attack and conquer the Nordic colonial world in Procyon. They fail, and use the excuse that it was all a mistake and misunderstanding. Incredibly, the Rigelian Greys gain the confidence of certain self-serving members of Procyon intelligence by offering to exchange advanced technology [sound familiar?] in order to make up for the harm done to them as a result of being forced out of their former home-world in Rigel during the Orion wars. The Dracos/Greys gain access to all levels of Procyonian society through a Trojan-horse type of subversion and infiltration. At a critical point, the Dracos-Greys carry out a sudden coup d'etat, and Procyon falls to their control. Many are killed and many, many Nordics are taken captive to be used as slaves or for biological/DNA sources for experimentation. Many of these mind-controlled Nordics are used to gain the trust of the inhabitants of other targeted worlds, including planet earth. Procyon inter-dimensional freedom fighters finally liberate their people in the latter part of the 20th century [earth-time]. The three MAJOR interstellar superpowers in this sector of the galaxy continue to expand multi-dimensionally, wars rage, empires rise and fall into oblivion, whole civilizations are enslaved and liberated, only to be enslaved again. The battle between spirit and matter continues. Many worlds which have lost the knowledge of their ancient genesis on planet earth begin to discover the truth. All eyes begin turning towards planet earth and to the galaxy-shaking events which are beginning to form there. The Almighty One continues with His mysterious and awesome plan to bring His corrupted creation back into the light, including His "lost sheep" which have left the cradle [earth] and have been scattered among the stars. The Almighty One does not seek to destroy the material forces of chaos, but to cleanse them and bring them back under the dominion of spirit. This is accomplished individually. This is also why humans were given a duel spiritual 'body' like the angels and a material 'body' like the beasts. WE are God's vessels to 'tame' the material forces of the universe and bring them into alignment with spirit. Mankind originally possessed such supernatural dominion in the beginning, however they/we forfeited it by succumbing to the lies of the fallen angels who possessed the 'serpent' race as described in Genesis chapter 3. This effectively spawned suspicion and fear within humanity and the simple faith in God which served as the conduit for the flow of divine LIFE was broken at our end, and our supernatural dominion over nature was lost... that is until Jesus the Christ came to restore it by establishing a way whereby ALL who are willing could once again make PEACE with an absolutely perfect and infinite God. We can restore this lost spiritual dominion over a material universe gone 'wild' by CHOOSING to bring our own material nature under the control of our spiritual nature, by the power of the grace that the Almighty One provides through His shed life-blood (source: George Andrews; the Holy Bible)
2000 A.D. -- The conflict between the Pleiadeans and the Orionites is now focusing on planet earth -- which with its strategic location and resources and central role in galactic history is the KEY to the success or failure of either side. In Sirius, a massive civil war erupts as Draconian and Orionite infiltration of the Ashtar/Astarte alliance is exposed by factions loyal to the Androme-Pleiadean non-interventionists. Many within the Alliance, especially in Sirius-A, begin to ally themselves with the Androme-Pleiadean Federationists, whereas many within Sirius-B, including reptiloids, align themselves with the Draco-Orion collectivists. A MASSIVE Draco-Orion backed armada, with battleships upwards of 500 miles long, leaves Sirius-B at sub-light speeds in order to maintain third dimensional integrity [it's easier to phase-in to other-dimensional realities through exceeding light-speed, then it is to phase-back- in to third dimensional reality from an other-dimensional mode]. Their destination is the SOL system, where they intend to help enforce an electronic New World Order dictatorship that human agents of the Draco-Orion-SiriusB alliance -- who are members of international banking fraternities -- have been implementing on earth from their bases near Gizeh, Egypt; Dulce, New Mexico [controlled by ciakars or winged dracos, white dracos, and green dracos]; Pine Gap, Australia; and the German Thule Societies' M.A.L.T.A. base in the Alsace-Lorraine region of Germany and the 'New Berlin' base in the New Shwabenland region of Antarctica. Massive abduction, indoctrination, and implantation programs targeting earth's citizens have been carried out through previous decades in order to facilitate the take-over of planet earth and its annexation into the Draconian-Orionite collective. Massive Andromedan, Pleiadean, Tau Cetian, Procyonese, Arcturian, Iummite, Vegan, Koldasian and other forces loyal to the United Federation and the non-interventionist directives have established a massive 'blockade' near the orbital sphere of Neptune in order to prevent planet earth from being interfered with by incoming Draconian- backed forces, who are aware of their ancient genesis on planet earth and who are intent on overthrowing or enslaving the human race at this critical time in our planet's history, so that they can take back 'their' planet. The apocalyptic "war in heaven" is imminent. The final showdown between good and evil begins (the Holy Bible - Genesis chapter 3 & Revelation chapter 12)

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

2012 Photon Belt

Every 10,700 years, Our solar system passes through a 2100 year-wide belt of highly charged ion particles known as the photon belt. This belt is the "Holy Spirit" or God force of the universe stepped down from the Center of Creation.

Sol's passage through this belt happens twice during an approximate 26,000 year cycle -the time it takes to go around its greater sun(presumably Alcyon in the Pleaides). This huge vertical and doughnut-shaped belt presently appears(from Earth) to slice through the astrological ages of Leo and Aquarius. Since we are moving into the Age of Aquarius, we are also moving into the photon belt. The prediction is that we will officially and fully be inside the belt 2012AD. When this happens(and it's already happening), the new energy will transform the planet and all life on/in it into higher dimensions or vibratory states. Those who cannot adapt to this higher, purer state, will die or be removed to another solar system.

The negative rulers of our planet can only do their dirty work here during the long night stages of each cycle. This means they have until 2012AD before the Christ Light makes life here impossible for them. Under this invisible but powerful light, bodies and minds will be purified, and aging, sickness, and death will be no more. Neither will we need technologies of any kind; our full status as light beings will be reactivated, and and powers such as telepathy and teleportation will be the norm.

To help you make the transition, it is advisable to gradually purify your lifestyle in such areas as diet, conduct, and belief systems. Eating less and better, and adopting a more collective and humanitarian attitude is definitely the way to go. These trends can already be seen in the newer generations of children being born during the last two decades.
Humans are a sick species, having spent the last long night of 10,700 years, in general ignorance and fear, basically cut off from the divine flow. The last photonic Golden Age was in Atlantis during the Age of Leo (11,000 to 8,800 BC). As soon as we moved out of the belt, the negative forces infiltrated and destroyed this great empire, and a long dark night ensued. The reptillians and serpents who rule this planet do so because of the darkness(both literal and symbolic) and low vibratory rate (fear) we live in. The love or light vibration scares or repels them.

As the influx of love and light continues to bathe our planet in increasing intensity, its inner sun responds more feverishly, anxious to reconnect fully to its life-giving source. Earth's inner sun is presently excited and heating up causing the polar ice to melt at unprecedented levels. Full reconnection will only occur if there is an axial tilt exposing the inner sun directly(via the planet's polar opening) to our solar system sun as is somewhat the case with planets like Uranus or Pluto. This, however, would generate too much power and heat and could literally melt the planet's shell or crust. A partial or indirect exposure would suffice to substantially raise the planet's vibration.

The crust which has been building or thickening for thousands of years and all the garbage and damage therein is similar to what we our doing to our bodies; it's impeding or limiting the life force from flowing fully or naturally, resulting in sickness and even death. To correct this the planet is presently in fasting mode and we sould do the same. Eventually it too will achieve light body status and shine like a star. Untill then there is much work to do.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Tree of Life Structure

The Supernal TriangleThe Supernal Triangle

The first three spheres of Kether, Chokmah and Binah make the Supernal Triangle and are the basic substance of the whole Tree of Life, the starting points of the three pillars of manifestation: the Pillar of Mildness, the Pillar of Mercy and the Pillar of Severity. Kether is the neutral point initiating the pillar of moderation (Mildness), Chokmah is the beginning of the active, all-encompassing, positive force of the right pillar of Mercy, and Binah is the beginning of the passive, restrictive, negative force of the left pillar of Severity.
Pillar of Severity
Pillar of Severity
Pillar of Mildness
Pillar of Mildness
Pillar of Mercy
Pillar of Mercy
They work purely at the causative level of events, live in the abstraction of ideas only, while the following seven spheres (Chesed, Geburah, Tiphareth, Netzach, Hod, Yesod and Malkuth) are the basic archetypes of action and result.
The place of the Supernal Triangle is called the The Macroprosopus, the realm of the potential as opposed to the Microprosopus as the realm of the actual. Note that the Microprosopus only consists of Chesed, Geburah, Tiphareth, Netzach, Hod and Yesod. Malkuth, the bottom sphere, has a special status being called 'the bride of Microprosopus'.

The Abyss

Between the Macroprosopus and the Microprosopus we have the space that Qabalists call the Abyss. This is the demarcation between the creators and the created, the mere ideas and their actual forms, the pure abstract and the realized matter. Actual manifestation as we can conceive it begins with Microprosopus, with its first aspect of being in Chesed.
In the Abyss we can find Daath, the invisible Sephirah that translates as 'Knowledge'.

The Ethical TriangleThe Ethical Triangle

The Ethical Triangle is composed of the three spheres of Chesed, Geburah and Tiphareth. It is the second triad in the Tree of Life, the reflection of the Supernal Triangle on a lower arc, closer to our perception and comprehension, it forms the evolving individuality and its spiritual soul. The balance between Chesed and Geburah finds its equilibrium in Tiphareth.

The Astral TriangleThe Astral Triangle

The Astral Triangle consists of the Sephiroth Netzach, Hod and Yesod, with Netzach being the instinctive emotion ruled by Venus, Hod the intellectual mind ruled by Mercury and Yesod the sphere of the Moon where both aspects are (hopefully) balanced and combined. Yesod also is the bridge between Malkuth as our very Earth and the upper part of the Tree of Life, it is through Yesod that we can get in touch with the spiritual.
While the Ethical Triangle forms the individuality the Astral Triangle forms the personality of the Tree.

The Bride of MicroprosopusThe Bride of Microprosopus

As mentioned above, Malkuth is not considered part of the Microprosopus but is called the 'Bride' of Microprosopus. This has a nice relation to the old fairy-tale in which the Prince (the Microprosopus in general and Tiphareth in particular), who is the son of The Great Father (Chokmah) and The Great Mother (Binah) takes a bride into his house to start the circle of procreation anew. (We forget for a while that in this case it is the Prince that moves in.. ;)
Malkuth as the sphere of the Earth is the place where all the emanations from the Tree of Life manifest and become real, as opposed to the purely spiritual and/or astral levels above.