Wednesday, June 6, 2012

2012 Photon Belt

Every 10,700 years, Our solar system passes through a 2100 year-wide belt of highly charged ion particles known as the photon belt. This belt is the "Holy Spirit" or God force of the universe stepped down from the Center of Creation.

Sol's passage through this belt happens twice during an approximate 26,000 year cycle -the time it takes to go around its greater sun(presumably Alcyon in the Pleaides). This huge vertical and doughnut-shaped belt presently appears(from Earth) to slice through the astrological ages of Leo and Aquarius. Since we are moving into the Age of Aquarius, we are also moving into the photon belt. The prediction is that we will officially and fully be inside the belt 2012AD. When this happens(and it's already happening), the new energy will transform the planet and all life on/in it into higher dimensions or vibratory states. Those who cannot adapt to this higher, purer state, will die or be removed to another solar system.

The negative rulers of our planet can only do their dirty work here during the long night stages of each cycle. This means they have until 2012AD before the Christ Light makes life here impossible for them. Under this invisible but powerful light, bodies and minds will be purified, and aging, sickness, and death will be no more. Neither will we need technologies of any kind; our full status as light beings will be reactivated, and and powers such as telepathy and teleportation will be the norm.

To help you make the transition, it is advisable to gradually purify your lifestyle in such areas as diet, conduct, and belief systems. Eating less and better, and adopting a more collective and humanitarian attitude is definitely the way to go. These trends can already be seen in the newer generations of children being born during the last two decades.
Humans are a sick species, having spent the last long night of 10,700 years, in general ignorance and fear, basically cut off from the divine flow. The last photonic Golden Age was in Atlantis during the Age of Leo (11,000 to 8,800 BC). As soon as we moved out of the belt, the negative forces infiltrated and destroyed this great empire, and a long dark night ensued. The reptillians and serpents who rule this planet do so because of the darkness(both literal and symbolic) and low vibratory rate (fear) we live in. The love or light vibration scares or repels them.

As the influx of love and light continues to bathe our planet in increasing intensity, its inner sun responds more feverishly, anxious to reconnect fully to its life-giving source. Earth's inner sun is presently excited and heating up causing the polar ice to melt at unprecedented levels. Full reconnection will only occur if there is an axial tilt exposing the inner sun directly(via the planet's polar opening) to our solar system sun as is somewhat the case with planets like Uranus or Pluto. This, however, would generate too much power and heat and could literally melt the planet's shell or crust. A partial or indirect exposure would suffice to substantially raise the planet's vibration.

The crust which has been building or thickening for thousands of years and all the garbage and damage therein is similar to what we our doing to our bodies; it's impeding or limiting the life force from flowing fully or naturally, resulting in sickness and even death. To correct this the planet is presently in fasting mode and we sould do the same. Eventually it too will achieve light body status and shine like a star. Untill then there is much work to do.

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