Sunday, January 20, 2013

Multiple Wives: a White Racist Social Construct

Gender in speculative fiction a.k.a. genderfication is a white racists system of the White Racist Man and White Racist Woman that was and continues to be perpetrated upon melanated people.  Gender in speculative fiction defines and says that a woman must do this, and a man must do that.  When we talk about having multiple wives for excuses such as:  there are more men than women therefore we must bring balance, or because your religion says it is ok to have multiple wives, etc.  This idea way of thinking is very destructive to the melanated female.  It not only changes genderfication for the male, it especially changes that of the female.  When you consider the history of the recessive Caucazoids, and even to this present day, the dynamics between the so-called white male and female it makes this clear.  The relational dynamics between the male and female Caucazoid have always and continues to be psychotic in nature.  The Caucazoid male have a natural hate for his woman and child.  His idea of a perfect relationship is homosexual pedophilia.  While in their caves, they referred to their women as bitches and only used her for procreation in order to keep their Klan alive.  Since the conception of time of what we call time, nature instituted a system whereby the natural melanated man and woman can get along together forever, and it is called by a number of terms:  pair-bonding, soul-mate, and twin-flame.  Pair-bonding occurs when the child is in the womb of the mother, and the dynamics between the mother and father of the child is well established.  For example, when two friends see each, they each produce hormones called endorphins and oxytocin that gives each of them a feeling of excitement like a rush, like that of a "runner's high" if you have ever experienced that feeling it makes the running experience pleasing.  In other words, when two friends see each other, they both are very pleased to see each other.  Nature does this while the child is in the womb.  If the relationship between the mother and father is never established then it will never be established with the child.  All of this is due to fixed behaviors or fixed reactions.  Whenever you like someone you touch them, you look at them in the eye, you hug them, and this is all in responses of what happened to the child while in the womb of the mother, and the relationship with the father.  

What we are looking at is the bonding process between the so-called black man and woman that has been broken by the Europeans' barbaric way of life/thinking that was violently forced upon melanated people through genderfication that says you must do this, and you must do that.  It says to the so-called black woman that the only thing a so called black man wants is what is between your legs (Caucazoid caveman thinking).  This is what our young offspring females and males learn from the time of conception from the mother and father imprinting upon them while their mother's womb.  This mindset, sets the disease process in motion forever for that child and they in turn make other children like minded.  

Bio-chemically speaking, for the majority of melanated people, the so-called black man and woman will never get along because of diet as well.  Again, the barbaric Europeans forced their diet upon us.  Things such as meat, and dairy products that contains synthetic estrogen in it causes hormone disruption.  In essences, the Caucazoid have produced a "frankenstein like" so-called black man and woman like itself.  Again, we must consider the diet of our ancestors as opposed to the recessive Caucazoid.  While in their caves, in the cold Caucus Mountains, the only foods available were animals. The dog, which is their god (dog turned backwards) taught them how to hunt.  Because of the cold climate, nothing grew from the ground.  When they decided to come off the mountain, and  encounter melanated people, they attacked our ancestors who were herbivores, they savagely raped melanated women, sodomized the little boys, and killed most of the men.  Thereafter, they continued to force their sex and diet upon us.  Since that time, unestablished natural relationships between melanated men and women have plagued us with this diseased mindset of genderfication as well as unnatural diets.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

The Meritorious Manumission Act of 1710

So-called black males and females where not meant to know and understand the issues clearly about the system of racism/white supremacy.  The reason for this is because if you understand the problem thoroughly, then you can solve it.  Therefore, the lack of knowledge leads to lack of answers.  Consequently, the answers are unsolved.  The Meritorious Manumission Act of 1710 are principles that controlled the thinking of so-called whites and blacks then and now.  The school system is well aware of The Meritorious Manumission Act of 1710 by which racism/white supremacy functions, and does not want you to have a discussion about how they effect us today.  The Meritorious Manumission Act of 1710 was a legal act of freeing a slave in exchange for his or hers "good deeds" as defined by the national public policy:
1.Saving a so-called white person's life
2.  Protecting a so-called white person's property
3.  Coming up with inventions in which the so-called white slave owner could profit financially and receive credit for the invention
4.  Snitching on a revolt of so-called blacks