Words are
sounds. The sounds of these words
existed long before the Caucazoid or European race. The word Negus originated in Ethiopia and it
means a King, and it is used as the title of The Sovereign of Ethiopia. To be a King or Naga, meant to be “awakened.” In other words, your “third eye” was
open. You could not be asleep and be a
Naga, Negus, or King. There is a
misconception that the Caucazoid created the word “Nigger.” Through research, I have discovered that this
word is as ancient as language itself.
Naga may refer to a group of serpent deities in Hindu and Buddhist
mythology. Nagas comes from the
Sanskrit. Nag is the word for snake. In Gerald Massey’s book, The Natural Genesis, he uses typology where he goes over words from
several different languages and how they are related to each other. One of the words that Massey goes over is
“Naga” or “Naka.” Massey states that
this word is associated with darkness, so-called blackness, and
serpents/snakes. You must know and
innerstand that the ancients did not write with vowels. Root words are formed by consonants
alone. Different words belonging to
different parts of speech are derived from the same root and inserting
vowels. For example, in Hebrew, the root
“gdl” represents the idea of largeness.
And from it we have Gadol and Gdola.
Masculine and feminine forms of the objective “big.” So, the important thing in the word Naga is
the “ng” or “ngs.” Etymology, which is
the science of words, is what doctors, and professors use to trace words back
to its origin. When etymology is
employed, vowels do not count. If the
word is negus, naga, nigga, nigger, etc., the result are the same consonants
“ng” or “ngs.” The “ngr” from ancient
Kemet is the word for deity or God. The
word “ndr” sounds like “nature” and “mdu” sounds like “mother.” The cosmological deities of ancient Kemet
were anthropomorphised or
personified. Stated another way, God
exists in nature. This is how the
ancients call themselves when they connect with the God force.
The word “Nga” or “Nigga” means Queen.
The word “Ngu” or “Niggu” means King.
Remove the “I” you get “Inznga” which means Queen as well.
Below is a list of only a few African words that incorporate the “ng” to
aid your innerstanding, and to help you stop giving our oppressor credit for
our creation through their eyes. The
list below is not exhausted.
Nagaraja (is Sanskrit for Snake King)
(1 of 1,008 Lord Shiva’s names)
Niger (means an Igbo King)
Nigeria (is a feminine derivative of the word Nga)
Negger (means golden one in ancient KMT)
Nigger (is another form of the God Geb, a.k.a Seb, and Keb. It is also associated with Arnold
Schwarzenegger who is a German. Schwarts
means dark or dark nigger/nagger
Ngosi (means blessing in Igbo)
Nagasaki (a Japanese city that was atomically destroyed)
Ngena (mesopotamia word for justice)
Ngola (means Ndola King)
Naghamati (ancient Hebrew/Aramaic word means the dark serpent God)