Sunday, August 26, 2012

He is Me and I Am He

Our hair connects us to our majestic past,
To the rivers and valleys of our ancestral lands.

We came from the first people Amma made
And it is with extreme gratitude that
I thank my Momma

The Most High

For giving me the same hair on my head
that the first woman on earth had on hers...

my fine black man sure looks good
with all that soft, naturally nappy hair on his head.

Looking like he belonged to the days
When black Gods rocked and ruled the WORLD

As the first MEN ON EARTH

Once the black man's mind is set free
Black women all over the world will exhale and celebrate
The naturally nappy hair sitting on our own heads
Just the way Momma Amma meant it to be...

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Who Is The Black Woman?

It has been revealed through overwhelming evidence through archaeology, anthropology, and biographical history, that the Black Woman has revealed beyond a shadow of a doubt that she was the first and continues to be the beauty queen of earth.  The adoration of her exquisite comeliness inspires the imagination of human creative thought.  Between 100,000 to 18,000 years ago, ALL Black Women felt very good about themselves.  For long extended periods of human history, the whole world revered and literally worshipped her.  In fact, the first sacredotal objects of veneration were replicas of the Black females' anatomy.  All religious symbols, i.e. the cross, the star and the crescent, the star of David etc., can be traced back to the Black Woman's body because she was once regarded by the ancients as the supreme divine vessel of life.  Dr. Yusef ben Jochannon can be quoted in several of his lectures in saying that the "Black Woman is still the real standard of beauty in the world today.  Therefore, my beloved Sisters, as the scriptures declare, rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion."  The role of the Black Woman in the establishment of civilization is irrefutable for she made possible all the treasures of civilization we now hold so dear.  From time immemorial, man has depended upon her for the development of the arts and sciences of civilization.  Avery Brooks in his book A Man Called Hawk stated, "that the Black Woman is wisdom and wisdom is the breath of God."  Now, some brothers may be a little less than comfortable with the resurgence of this knowledge, nevertheless, I suggest an awakening to the historical reality - that all available scientific evidence reveals - that it was the Black Woman who first came to the understanding of and implemented the principles of civilization, should not in any way cause you, Black Man, to feel the need to indulge the machoism of male chauvinistic insecurities.  Let truth be known, that from the very beginning of human history to present, the Creator, Amma, intended the Black Man and Woman to run the world as EQUAL partners in power and glory.  This my dear brother lies the secret of your TRUE strength as men; your acceptance of the divinity of the Black Woman and the COMPLETE internalization of the lifestyles and values inherent in that reality.  Walter Beasley, famous jazz musician, can be quoted in saying, "those outside of us benefit the most from our discord."  

Who is the Black Woman?  Well, in the cerebral sphere we can clearly see in the Hebrew rendering phrase "Holy Spirit", Ruach Qodesh meaning a vital stimulating force especially one that influences the mind.  Who is the Black Woman?  In Kushite-India, she was known as the kundalini or as Earth Wind and Fire puts it, "the serpentine fire" of wisdom and universal enlightenment.  Who is the Black Woman?  To the High Culture scientists of old Hindu-Kush, she was known as the shakti.  The Black Man's eternal soulmate manifested on the earthly plane through the woman or women in his life and as the cosmic spirit which took him into her ecstatic embrace at death.  Who is the Black Woman?  She is the original guardian angel.  The word "angel" means messenger in its most simple form.  More accurately, it means a person who carries a message from some great dignitary to someone else.  Angel is symbolic of the spiritual power of the feminine energy which motivates and stimulates the human intellect.  However, Euro-Christian theology co-opted and corrupted the original guardian angel iconography by putting up images of white winged, white robed, long white (blond) haired, blue eyed, harp playing EFFEMINATE looking males.  During the Dark Ages of Europe (538-1798 CE) when all scientific investigation was prohibited, the general populous was not allowed to read the Bible.  Only the ecclesiastical aristocracy, which were very few throughout the whole of Europe, were literate. At this time the highest form of scientific investigation permitted by law was to determine how many angels you could fit on the head of a stick pin.  This was considered to be very serious study in those days.  During this same time period, according to J. A. Rogers book World's Great Men of Color, the Dogon of West Alkebulan were searching the sky with telescopes.  The inhabitants of old Ghana, Mali, and Songhai Empires were building houses illuminated by candlelight in the windows which the populations of most European nations were still living in crude windowless hovels with only a chimney chute to let the smoke from hearth fires escape.  At the University of Sankore in Timbuktu and other institutions of higher learning, Black physicians were performing cataract and brain surgery among other "high tech" functions.  It was the Blackamoors who took this High Culture which far exceeded anything possessed by European scholars at the time and introduced it to the benighted continent.  The enlightened civilization brought to Europe by the Moors became the model for all its later institutions.  

About the middle of the 18th Century, European anthropologists, paleontologists, archaeologists and some other "ologists" while digging around in Grimaldi, Italy near Menton, France came across a startling rediscovery.  They found some very beautiful aesthetically formed Afrikoid statuettes buried in graves of the deceased.  These statuettes which European scholars misnomer Venuses were clutched by the decedents to their breasts as they lay in a fetal position.  A close examination of the skeletal remains revealed them to be in fact Afrikan in physiognomy.  Dr. Yusef ben Jochannon has clearly explained so often and in so many ways, "Man knew nothing about heaven until his mother's womb.  That's the first heaven he ever knew anything about.  When you come down the fallopian tube and are delivered into this world, you have just left heaven and that is why a man, if he is in his right mind spends the rest of his life trying to be 'born again', trying to go back to paradise as often as he can."  The Black Woman was a messenger to the heavens. 

It cannot be over emphasized that this is a spiritual thing and it is with this understanding that we should come to one another.  My brother, you must ever be mindful that the Black Female is the most sacred female entity in the world.  Not only because of the joy derived from physical interchange with her, but also because of the spiritual enlightenment and growth which can be garnered from such encounters.  

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Christianity's Purpose

The entire purpose of Christianity is to PREPARE displaced Africans and Africans still on the continent to be slavishly obedient and worshipping of their so-called Je-Wish masters in a new world order, where the Jews can have total and complete control.
The pantheon of African/Gentile Gods (subliminal worship) was replaced with fictitious Je-Wish archetypes with the program of Christianity. Along with this, the Jews achieved a special status they did not deserve…being called "The chosen of God." All of this is subliminal in that it creates the mindset of slavish, self-sacrificing, servile mentality in its victims that readily accepts the Jews to be in charge. The fictitious Je-Wish archetypes such as the Nazarene creates a powerful subconscious association with what is known as "The God Part of the Brain" and act to transfer this mindset of worship to the Jews who wants to rule the world. There is NOTHING at all spiritual about Christianity (this includes you so-called Hebrew Israelites as well). The Bible is nothing more than an allegorical book.  The books in which make up the Old Testament were stolen from African culture and reengineered to reflect a fictitious history of the so-called Jews.
Quote from the Jewish Talmud: 
Simeon Haddarsen, fol. 56-D: "When the Messiah comes every Jew will have 2800 slaves."
Christianity (this includes you so-called Hebrew Israelites as well) drums into its victims mind that they are nothing more than property. Their minds, souls and bodies all belong to “Jehovah” which in reality is the top ruling Jews who practice African occult power.  For you so-called Hebrew Israelites this includes:  Ahyah Asher Ahyah, Yahudah, Yahuwah, Yahawashi, Yahshyah, and any other name I failed to mention.  ALL OF THEM!!!!! JE-WISH!!!!! WAKE UP!!!!!!!
Quotes from the Talmud: 
Nidrasch Talpioth, p. 225-L: "Jehovah created the non-Jew in human form so that the Jew would not have to be served by beasts. The non-Jew is consequently an animal in human form, and condemned to serve the Jew day and night."
Seph. Jp., 92, 1: "God has given the Jews power over the possessions and blood of all nations."
The denigration of women in these programs are sick, twisted, and perverted.  It seeks the suppression of human sexuality, to deprive displaced African people of their occult power. Metaphysically speaking, both male and female power must work together to achieve material results.  The divine couple Shiva and Shakti corresponds to two essential aspects of the One: the masculine principle, which represents the abiding aspect of God, and the feminine principle, which represents Its Energy, the Force which acts in the manifested world, life itself considered at a cosmic level. By suppressing the female side of the brain, the powers of your mind and soul are completely dormant and inaccessible.
Ancient Tamare Gods and other African Deities have been the victims of Jewish horror and gore, Hollywood flics and other denigrating and insulting themes, where displaced Africans are fooled into mocking, cursing, and fearing them, while working for their own damnation and paying out the ass for it.  Not only to the tune of trillions and trillions of dollars, but also with psychic energy. The Jews have a long history of deluding the displaced African people into paying for their own damnation and ruin. The war in Iraq is a blatant example, where thousands of young displaced African men and women have died or are permanently disabled all for Israel.  Question…Is Ra El?