Sunday, February 24, 2013

Ancient African History

•    The First
◦               The original and correct name of Africa is Alkebulan. Africans (Alkebulanians) were the first humans on this planet 200,000 years ago. They were in East Africa/Alkebulan in the Nile Valley region. It was not until 170,000 years later — which was only 30,000 ago — that the first white person came into existence in the Caucasus Mountain area.
◦              Africans (Alkebulanians) created the first language in the West African/Alkebulan country now called Ghana. That language is Twi and Khui.
•    Air Conditioning Concept 3000 BC
The Egyptians (who are correctly called the Kemites) poured water in shallow clay trays that were placed on beds of straw. This was done at night so that, during the natural evening temperature drop, evaporation would cause a cooling effect in the rooms where the trays were located.
•    Amen 2500 BC
This word, which Christians now use at the end of their prayers, was originally spelled Amun and it means "the hidden one." It was the last name of the highest Egyptian (Kemetic) deity. In fact, around 1360 BC, the Egyptian (Kemetic) ruler Seti The Great was worshipped as the god Amun. The Hebrews later adopted the word, changed its meaning, and then passed it on to the Christians.
•    Christ
It must be noted that the word Christ is not derived from Europe. The word actually comes from the pharaonic Egyptian (Kemetic) expression "kher sesheta," which means "he who watches over the mysteries." It was not until after 300 AD that Christians finally started referring to Jesus as Christ.

•    Geometry Tacokoma 1500 BC (circa)
Tacokoma, like Tishome who invented calculus and Ahmes who invented algebra, was a brilliant Egyptian (Kemetic) mathematician.
•    Handshake 2800 BC
This contact between two persons signified the conferring of power from a god to an earthly Egyptian (Kemetic) ruler. As a matter of fact, in the so-called hieroglyphic (called medu netcher) picture writings, the verb "to give" is drawn as an extended hand. This is where the European named Michelangelo got his idea for the Sistine Chapel drawing.
•    Toothbrush 3000 BC
In order to clean and strengthen their teeth, the Egyptians (Kemites) used a chew stick, which was a pencil-sized twig with one end frayed to a soft, fibrous condition.
•    Toothpaste 2000 BC
The Egyptians (Kemites) made toothpaste from powdered pumice stone and strong wine vinegar that they brushed onto a chew stick. This was much different from the early Roman toothpaste that was made from human URINE(!), which the Romans also used as a mouth wash. In fact, Roman physicians around 100 AD claimed that brushing with urine whitened teeth and fixed them more firmly in the sockets. And wealthy Roman women paid dearly for foreign urine, especially Portuguese urine.
•    Wedding Ring 2800 BC
To the Egyptians (Kemites), a circle, which has no beginning and no end, signified eternity, just as marriage signifies an eternal bond.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

African Spirituality

The principles in the Kybalion, written by three anonymous initiates who dedicated it to Tehuti whom they refer to as Hermes Trismegistus, symbolizes our body.  Hermes/Tehuti represents the medulla oblongata.  The oblongata is the store house of our memory.  The bible talks about Jesus Christ being crucified on Mt. Golgotha.  Mt. Golgotha in Aramaic means "the skull."  The English transliteration states it means "Mt. Calvalry."  So our head is symbolic to a mountain and the back of our head is "Calvalry" which holds information for battle.  Galgotha in Aramaic also means the "back of the head, or the place of the skull."  It just so happens that the medulla oblongata is located in that area.  In Ti Chi Qigong, if you were to tap on that area in the back of your head, you would give yourself a photographic memory.  Too, this will allow you to access The Akashic Records which is your own personal storehouse library.  In Islam, Tehuti represents the angels on the left and right shoulder.  If you have not, try to notice the next time Muslims greet each other.  You will see that they exchange greetings to both left and right shoulders.  They are speaking to the aspects of the brain/mind.  I am talking about these religions to show how we have taken African Spirituality outside of ourselves.  When this happens it becomes just that, religion.  Even our Metaphysicians and Master Teachers have our people treating this information like a religion and worshipping these symbolic deities (i.e. Tehuti) instead of relating it back to bodies.  Anytime we look outside of ourselves for answers, it becomes a religious act.  This is not what our Ancient Ankcestors had in mind for us to do.  "As above so below, as within so without," is the Supreme axiom.  It is not by chance that the first principle of Universal Law states that "the all is mind, and everything in the universe is mental."  Therefore, the power of the mind is essential to master.  In fact, it is critical.  Everything is of mental substance first before it becomes tangible matter.  Elements are first drafted via the mind, which is the "magic wand," by which all things are brought into existence.  Let us go into the bible again.  In John 1:14, it states that "the Word was made flesh."  The Word is symbolic for sound.  How so?  Well, let us take a look at dark matter from greatest to least.  Remember the first principle?  The mind is the all from the Kybalion?  Well, thought originates in the mind.  Thought travels at 24 billion feet per second.  When thought matter slows down, it becomes light.  Light travels at 186,000 miles per second.  When light matter slows down, it becomes sound.  Sound travels at 1,086 feet per second making the "Word" flesh.  This is how carbon based people, a.k.a. dark matter, came into being.  At the point of sound manifesting into the flesh we no longer house both feminine and masculine thought.  This is how we were able to condense from the thought realm into a tangible female or male being.  The Quran states that Adam or Atom was made from sound black mud.  The Ancient Kemetic scripts states that we were formed in "Kanun or Amma."  Kanun/Amma is symbolic of the mitochondrial DNA.  In the West African Yoruba tradition, these concepts are called "Ori."  Within the Ori exists the Oludamare.  The Oludamare is equivalent to Tehuti.  Under the Oludamare are the 7 African powers called the Orishas known by the following names in proper order:  Eleggua, Ogun, Oshosi, Obatala, Oya/Oshun/Yemaya, Shango, Orunmila.  All these powers symbolizes Ori in their respective aspects.  Equally, the 7 endocrine gland systems known as the chakras, a.k.a. the 7 wheels of light/sound, symbolizes the "Elohim."  Within the Ancient Kemetic teaching it is Ausar (Osirus in Greek), who is half asleep in the pineal gland, waiting to be resurrected to ascend as in "the Father who art in heaven."  However, before this can happen, meditation must take place through various breathing exercises, and hand mantras to properly channel energy that would awaken the "Kundalini," the feminine energy that is also known as the "Serpentine Fire" which is an aspect of Auset (Isis in Greek).  As she ascends upward through the chakras, she becomes the Queen of Heaven again by tapping into the pituitary gland by beaming light on the pineal gland in order to awaken the sleeping Ausar.  In Ausar's resurrected state, he becomes Heru (Horus in Greek), which is the Christ or the "Awakened One" (Buddah) as termed in Hindu.  The mind activates the various endocrines, the chakras.  The opening of each one is the opening of each of the 7 seals mentioned in the book of Revelations.  The chakras correlate to the elements.  The 1st chakra is earth.  The 2nd chakra is water.  The 3rd chakra is fire.  The 4th chakra is air.  The 5th chakra is ether/sound.  The 6th chakra is light.  The 7th chakra is thought.  Know thyself.